Plant Protein Products

Column:Plant Protein Products Time:2016-11-11

Organic Irish Carragheen Moss

Traditionally used to set jellies and puddings, can be used as thickening agent also for soups and sauces.It can also be eaten as it is, rinsed, chopped and added to salads.
Carragheen is used in cough mixtures around the world from Canada to New Zealand. Medicinally it has anti-viral and expectorant (phlegm loosening) properties for clearing chest infections and easing coughs. Nice balance of minerals, vitamins and trace elements and is particularly high in magnesium.


Organic Irish Dulse / Dillisk

Rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements, dulse also contains a fibre called Xilan, that is of great help detoxifying the digestive system. It can be eaten as it is, as a healthy snack, or cooked in soups and stews.It can also be eaten as it is, chopped and added to salads.


Organic Irish Kombu / Kelp

High in calcium and magnesium, this seaweed is highly recommended to keep the bones in good form.  The alginate present in all Laminaria species help the stomach and colon functions.
The high iodine content makes it a great ingredient for helping a slimming diet.The taste of this seaweed is quite acceptable.
When cooked with legumes (beans, peas, etc.) it will neutralise the formation of unwished air in the digestive system.


Department 2: Low-Fat High-Protein and Plant Protein Products
Contact person: Liu Siyu
Tel: +86 13811160976